Aidan Rooney Gold Unit 2: Part A

Leadership Project

My Project

“Hi students, this year, I thought it would be good if all the Arts Award students worked on a leadership project together and if it was something that could showcase the art work of every artist at the school. Do you have any ideas for what that could be?”

Message from Melanie
We talked about different things we could do and decided to create an art magazine. Melanie set up a meeting with a copy editor and publisher, Sue Tyley, who explained the process to us. We met ten times over the course of the year to discuss the project.

My Role in the Project: Head of Design and Finance Officer

All of the students working on this project helped with everything. I wrote content and came up with ideas for social media, but main job was Head of Design. I was also the finance officer for the magazine.

Leadership skills

This is my second Arts Award. I did Silver when I was doing my GCSE’s. I did silver almost all by myself from home with Melanie’s guidance and my leadership project was a drawing competition for an online school newsletter. This time, I wanted to push my leadership skills further. I ran the competition from home, so it is important to me that I am able to get more involved with people this time.

  • Creating a design that showcases the work of everyone
  • Working with others to produce a final product
  • Managing others and delegating
  • Helping artists to be confident in their work.
  • Talking to other team members and making joint decisions

Project Aims and Outcomes

We will have weekly meetings to discuss the project and I will be talking about these in more detail in future sections. But in the third meeting, we talked together about what publishers call a “vision statement”. Here are our vision statement notes:

Out of the discussion came this Goal: To create an Art Magazine to showcase the work of Treasure House students and other artists that will encourage people to make art of their own.

You can see all of the minutes of the Treasure Art Magazine Meetings here

What I will need from others

This is a project where we will all work together so I will need to help of the whole team. We decided on these roles for the project:

  • Project Director and administrator – Melanie
  • Managing Editor – Kristin 
  • Head of Design – Aidan
  • Events Management – Savannah
  • Editorial Directors – Prince and Alice
  • Head of Research – Prince and Savannah
  • Social Media – Prince
  • Finance Officer – Kristin and Aidan
  • Head of Photography – Emily / Kristin
  • Talent Liaison – Alice

Judging the success of the project and monitoring progress

So we can evaluate the magazine, we made these success criteria:

  • We complete the magazine by the end of the summer term
  • We involve every student in the school in the magazine and the events
  • We observe people reading the magazine at the launch party
  • We get positive feedback from the launch party
  • The magazine incorporates the ideas and personalities of everyone who works on it.

We are going to have meetings regularly to talk about how things are going and to give and receive feedback.

Next part of my project

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