Boateng Gold Unit 2: Part C

Working on the project

We met ten times as a group to discuss the Magazine.

All of the meeting minutes are available here:

My Involvement

I was the Social Media Manager and I put together a social media plan. The trouble was, we ran out of time and my plan was supposed to start when the magazine launched. I was still in charge of promotions and I did a lot of other things on the magazine.


I set up an Instagram page for us to use. One problem that I had was that all the Treasure Magazine Names were already taken. One of our early ideas for a name was Treasure Trove, so I used that name instead.

You can see it has no posts. This is because all of the scheduled posts were supposed to happen in the summer term but the magazine got delayed by a lockdown in the spring term that meant we were very behind.

I made a social media plan in a meeting with Melanie.

These minutes are copied from the minutes folder:

Due to COVID-19 related school closures, this meeting took place over the phone. The purpose was for PCB to come up with an initial social media strategy for the Magazine. MJ asked PCB about each of the categories below and he gave suggestions in each category.

  • Because of school closures, it has been a while since we last spoke about the magazine, so MJ gave PCB a reminder of some of the key points and decisions that had been made.
  • Platforms: PCB suggested that we have social media accounts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. MJ pointed out that Facebook might be tricky as business accounts have to be connected to personal accounts which we don’t want to do.
  • Username: PCB suggested the username TreasureTrove as this was one of the suggested titles for the magazine. MJ checked online and found that this name was unavailable, so PCB suggested TreasureTroveMagazine which is available. MJ will consult with head teachers and set up social media accounts with this name.
  • Initial Tweets/posts: PCB suggested the following as initial posts:
    • Coming Soon!
    • A new Art Magazine made by students in South East London.
    • Our new art magazine will contain artwork, tutorials, interviews, and a comic.
  • Hashtags: PCB suggested:
    • #treasure
    • #artmagazine
    • #arttutorials
  • Engaging others: PCB suggested that we ask others for input in this way:
    • Treasure Magazine is Looking for London based artists to volunteer a tutorial or an interview.
  • Images: Some platforms allow images and PCB suggested the following images to accompany our posts in the early stages:
    • Images of trees and the sky
    • Pencils
    • Cameras
    • Lino cutting tools and prints
    • Paintbrushes
    • Paints
  • Retweets: PCB identified the following artforms as being of interest to Treasure House students based on the range of projects being carried out at school:
    • Manga drawing
    • Design
    • Music
    • Computer game art

He then suggested that retweets or posts could be along these lines:

  • From rap to classical, we love music of all kinds
  • Jojo’s bizarre adventure 
  • Sonic the hedgehog
  • Nature Photography
  • Actions: MJ will consult with the headteachers before setting accounts using PCB’s ideas. PCB will review the social media in two weeks and in the meantime will be working on his drawing tutorial for the magazine.

I found these images that we could put on our social media. I got them from a place called Unsplash where you are allowed to use images without paying for them.

We want to make a proper printed copy of the magazine next year so we will use my social media stuff then.

Other Contributions

I had written some articles and adverts for the magazine, so I was in charge of adding these onto the pages on Google Drive. Here are the pages I made

Ideas for content

I came up with some ideas for content that were talked about in the group and we decided to include them:

  • A tutorial – This became Savannah’s Tutorial for horror make up that she made last year
  • Article by people not doing Arts Award to try and include them – This became Owen’s conspiracy theory article and because this was my idea it was my job to upload it and add pictures when it was done.

I did other things along the way that you can see in the minutes:

Meeting my leadership skills

Communicating with others  I was involved in all of the meetings and talked to others. I asked Owen to write an article. If I had been ale to launch my social media I would have communicated..
Helping other people to share their art  I think the whole magazine does this. But I helped Owen to share his writing.
Showing others that they can succeed  I think the magazine does this. We all encouraged each other to be involved
Working as part of a team  This was a big team project. I have never worked on something like this before.
Being confident and helping others to be confident.  I honestly didn’t think I could do it and I felt like the magazine wasn’t going to happen but it did.


Sue Tyley works in publishing. She came to talk to us:

Sue gave us this.



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