Boateng Gold Unit 2: Part E

Because the magazine was launched on the last day ofterm due to time constraints, there wasn’t time to do an evaluation. Melanie has commented on my leadership skills and there is some feedback from the launch:

I love the magazine because it’s like a microcosm of what all of our students are interested in


That movie was terrifying!


It’s so wonderful to see such an outpouring of creativity from the students


Amazing party!


Well done everyone!


This exhibition is really good.


The magazine is brilliant, well done.


You all did amazingly and should be so proud of yourselves after such a difficult year. It’s been an honour working with you all.


Prince’s Leadership Skills

Communicating with others  Prince came to every single meeting. He spoke up and asked questions, he encouraged others to speak, he came up with ideas and presented work that he had done. At the exhibition, he talked to the teachers and other students and was a real advocate for the work everyone had done.
Helping other people to share their art  Prince encouraged others to enter their work for the magazine, particularly Owen and Cael. He had the idea of including articles written for the Silver Arts Award as well as for the Gold
Showing others that they can succeed  Prince is very good at this. Even at the launch he was encouraging a student who had become upset and gave her a little pep talk! Prince doesn’t always have confidence in his own abilities, but I hope that he takes his own advice!
Working as part of a team  Prince did well working in a team. He was able to have lessons with A-Level students and converse at their level which was excellent as he does not have a chance to work with these students often. Prince is very eloquent and working on the magazine helped him to focus.
Being confident and helping others to be confident.  I can see that Prince’s confidence has improved as a result of working on the magazine. Early on he told me that he couldn’t do it but he has proved himself wrong!

This is the end of my arts award portfolio.

Back to the start.