In order to gather feedback about my newsletter, I made this survey on Typeform.
You can see the feedback from my survey here:
My Leadership Feedback Results
Some screenshots from the results page:
My evaluation of the project
how their leadership skills have developed – how the project has developed their art form knowledge and understanding, communication skills, creativity in arts practice, and planning and review skills – how well their project plan worked – achievements, successes and challenges – what they have learnt about working effectively with others – what they have learnt from the feedback they received – what they would do differently in future in terms of improving the project
It was fun to make the newsletter even though it took a long time to make. It was a good thing to do while we were in quarantine and lockdown because it kept me busy and made me feel connected with the other students. The newsletter means that we can all virtually interact with each other so everyone is up to date, and everyone knows what’s going on with each other and at school. The newsletter was sent out be email to everyone involved with Treasure House School.
I used Mailchimp to give people challenges and recommendations all related to art because art is a great way for people to connect in difficult times. I was also able to spread information about my art issue, the art of the black lives matter movement. I learnt how to use columns and manipulate the layout of the newsletter. I feel like creating a newsletter in something like Mailchimp is a great skill to have as an artist because it is something that you can use to promote your work and to inspire others to create art.
I included a specific art competition based on still life drawing and painting. I gave examples of my own work to give people ideas and inspiration. I was able to pick a winner and inform them through the next newsletter .
I struggled with Mail chimp at first as it was hard to get to grips with the technology. I had some issues with layout and the colours wouldn’t behave. Normally, I would have been at school and my teachers could have just shown me what I needed to do but because of the lockdown, this was harder. Luckily my art teacher was able to make a video to help m a little with the basics but there was still a lot that I needed to work out for myself and it is scary that when you press send it will go out to everyone. I am dyslexic so I was worried that there might be mistakes that I wouldn’t be able to take back once I had pressed send.
I sometimes find it hard to work with others but I had to do that a lot in the newsletter. I needed a lot of support from Melanie to help me learn to use Mailchimp and put it all together, I also had a lot of help from my Mum. Other teachers and students gave me ideas and it was great that Oliver sent me some challenges. I wish I could have done this in school so that I could have made it more of a community feel.
My feedback survey showed me that the newsletter was very clear and easy to understand which is good because it was going to young people and adults of all different levels and experiences.
If I could do the newsletter again, I would put more challenges in. More questions and games so that there were more ways for people to be interactive. I think some interesting art facts would have been good. Basically more research.
Quite a few people completed drawings and I was surprised that I had inspired people to make art. I thought the coffee cup was very good, although I think it needed a tiny bit more shading, and perhaps a shadow at the bottom.
People thought that I developed some leadership skills along the way. Everyone who filled out the survey was impressed with my ability to communicate with others and my ability to encourage people to take part in arts event. I think, looking at the feedback that I could have done a little more research and provided people with more information about the art resources. Only two people thought that I had good knowledge of how to use digital tools to communicate with people which surprised me because I thought I did a good job with Mailchimp in the end. However, this was my first time using the software so I probably have a lot to learn.
As an artist, doing the newsletter made me more aware of the different ways that you can be inspired to do something. Sometimes people need a prompt, they don’t just get ideas and do them. I learnt about good resources to us in my art like Pinterest which I now use a lot, and I learnt about how art can impact people’s emotions in a big way.
Now that I have read my feedback and finished the feedback I can say this about my leadership skills:
Communicating with others – According to the feedback this was my strongest area. I was pleased about this because I have anxiety so communicating with people is hard and I also have dyslexia so communicating with people by writing is hard too.
Encouraging others to make art – I actually couldn’t believe that so many people did my challenge. I thought no one would do it. I think putting my own work in as inspiration was a good idea. Even some of the teacher’s children entered which made me really happy.
Resourcefulness – I am not always the most resourceful person and sometimes I needed encouragement to keep going. 50% of the people who took the survey thought I had been resourceful so I guess there is still work to do.
Knowledge about art resources and good internet and research skills – This was one of the skills that people didn’t see as much and I suppose I can see why because I didn’t add much detail. I think I did get better at research in my Unit 1 work but perhaps I didn’t show it very well here. It was hard to make the newsletter and I was on a timescale so I might have rushed the research a bit.
Knowledge about communication software – Even though I think I did quite well, not a lot of people ticked this box. I suppose it was brand new software for me so maybe I would do a better job if I do a newsletter again.
This is the end of my arts award portfolio. Back to the start.