SM Bronze Part D

SkillShare – Treasure House is a very small school so there aren’t many students to teach. Also, lots of us have anxiety and don’t like having our photos taken. So I decided to teach Pauline how to take a create a ghost photo and use Photoshop. Pauline is the pastoral teacher at my school and she has helped me a lot, so it was good to help her with something.

Here is a picture of me teaching Pauline. I was showing her some of my work as an example and going through my lesson plan. She filled in this questionnaire I made so that I could know what she wanted to learn about most.

This is Pauline’s work and my lesson plan. I taught her how to take the two pictures in the garden and then how to edit them in Photoshop using layer blends. This is her ghost photo!

After the lesson Pauline filled out the questionnaire so I could see how well I did (the red circles are her answers and it looks like I did a good job.)

This is the end of my Bronze Award.

Go back to the start

Look at my assessment (this has a password, only my teachers and the examiner can see this page).