Mbungu Gold Unit 2: Part C

Working on the project


We met ten times as a group to discuss the Magazine.

All of the meeting minutes are available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/118irwsMMsJCfr-m2cAzow0vgndIvxinU?usp=sharing

Sue Tyley

Sue Tyley is a copy editor who has worked with my art taecher Melanie before on a magazine called, the Mechanics’s Institute Review:

When we decided to make a magazine, Sue came to speak to us all in a Zoom meeting. You can see the minutes of this meeting in the minutes folder, it is meeting one.

Sue gave us a planning document to use:

Emails between Sue and Melanie

The Magazine

There was lots to do to make the magazine but I was mostly in charge of the events. I did do some other things though.

I submitted my article about ballet that I did for my Unit 1 D.

I submitted my horror tutorial that I did for silver arts award.

I submitted my Kara Walker review from my Silver Arts Award.

I made a glitter hand print for Aidan to use on the front cover

Planning the Launch Party

Here are my plans for the launch:

A plan for the decorations
Checklist of things I still needed to do, also the date is decided for July 15th.
Some of the things I had to consider!
I wanted a Glam theme so I came up with some suggested outfits for people
We ordered accessories to fit the theme, just in case people didn’t have anything glam of their own to wear
These are some of the decorations I looked at. I wanted a black and gold theme.
Here are some ideas for themed invites.
I thought it would be fun to have a red carpet for the artists to walk down.
I wanted a waiter serving canapes, one of the teachers has agreed to be a waiter and serve these!
More canapes
More canapes
These look delicious!
For people who like seafood (we don’t have any allergies at Treasure House, I checked!)
I’d really love to get a cake if it firs in the budget!
We considered cooked food too. But in the end I decided to order pizza as that’s what the students wanted.
More cake!
Well this would fit the theme!
Fake alcohol to go in the champagne flutes
Fiona and Melanie helped me to organise the screening.


I made these invites:

I printed these off and covered them in gold glitter

Plan for the running of the day

I sat down with Melanie and Fiona to plan for the launch party / prom

Monday and TuesdayPrint off all the art work and put up the display. I asked Celine to print off all the art work A3 and laminate it. She also made plaques for each student.
Wednesday afternoonStart decorating and ask every available staff member and student to help! We need to blow up balloons, hang decorations. Set up the selfie wall and lay the red carpet. We also need to remind everyone to wear their glam clothes on Thursday Put up the exhibition   Delegation!  I delegated these tasks: Celine and Helen – Cooking Fiona and Selene – Heads of decorating Fiona – Pouring and handing out drinks on the day Alex – Dressing up as a waiter and serving canapes on the day Melanie – Helping me with the exhibition downstairs and finding a projector Naomi – Music and Kareoke Melanie – Introducting the art exhibiton on the day Cael, Prince, me, Owen and Frankie – performing music and songs. All teachers – Tidying up!    
Thursday MorningFinish decorating Start cooking Get changed! Set up Karaoke and amps Set up movie screening
12pmFan fare announces guests, they walk down the red carpet and get handed fake champagne and canapes
12.15Melanie introduces the art exhibiton and talks a bit about it
12.30Performances from students including karaoke compared by Naomi
12.45Pizzas arrive!
The rest of the dayDancing, eating, music, more karaoke, selfies, looking at the exhibit, watching the movie screenings.
FridayStudents help with the tidying up.  

Meeting my leadership skills

Being brave enough to talk to others about their ideas

  • I asked lots of questions in the meeting with Sue
  • I gave students feedback on their submissions
  • I talked to staff when organising the party

Taking lots of other people’s opinions on board when planning something

  • I asked other students what they thought in our meetings and took their ideas on board for the events

Helping others to connect through art

  • People got to display their work at the exhibit and they were all really interested to see each others work
  • We were all able to talk to each other because of this project
  • I enjoyed showing other students my films at the exhibition

Showcasing the talents of others

  • The exhibition and the magazine allowed students to show of their work. Even students who are not doing arts award got to showcase their work.


  • I had to find pictures and information and pick the best stuff.

The Final Magazine

Click here to read the magazine online

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