Rooney Gold Arts Award Portfolio

The Gold Arts Award Portfolio for Aidan Rooney at Treasure House CIC

Below is all of the evidence for my Gold Arts Award. If you want to skip the evidence you can look at my final projects here:


Unit 2 Final Project – Treasure Art Magazine

Unit 1: Part A

In this section, I identify my main art form, Film making , and my new art form Editing. I use these skills to make a found footage documentary about corruption in boxing.

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 1: Part A

Unit 1: Part B

I did an Art placement with Neil Baxter from Dream Decor.

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 1: Part B

Unit 1: Part C

In this section I researched career pathways in the arts and went on trips. This unit is not fully complete because of Covid-19.

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 1: Part C

Unit 1: Part D

I researched an issue in the arts and wrote a blog post about it. My issue was “Are Martial Arts an Art Form?”

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 1: Part D

Unit 2: Part A

For Unit 2, the Gold Award class created and published an Art Magazine called “Treasure.” Although everyone took part in the creation of the magazine, my key role was Lead Designer.

This section shows how the project was set up.

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 2: Part A

Unit 2: Part B

This section shows how we organised the publication of the magazine and the launch events.

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 2: Part B

Unit 2: Part C

This section shows how the magazine and parties were delivered.

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 2: Part C

Unit 2: Part D

This is the details of the launch party, public showing, and exhibition for the magazine.

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 2: Part D

Unit 2: Part E

Because of Covid-19, it was a total rush the finish the magazine, we only made it as far as the mockup stage and other students are going to get the magazine printed in September. I can’t help with this because I am no longer a Treasure House student as of today! The launch party happened on the very last day of term and I did not get time to evaluate the project but in this section, I am pasting some of the reflections I had while I was working on the project and how I developed my leadership skills.

Click here to see my evidence for Unit 2: Part E